Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jorge Perez Evelyn in Bogota Colombia

Evelyn in Bogota Colombia

Bogota, Colombia was for Evelyn, just one more contract to accomplish that left him totally empty of good feelings for that machos' country. The journalists in Colombia back in the begining of the 80's were full of complexs and full of prejudices about the "gay theme". After the first article done to Jorge Perez Evelyn in Bogota for the newspaper call "El Bogotano", Jorge Perez Evelyn noticed the hostility and further refused any new requirement by the press for an interview. They just said that Evelyn refused interviews, but they never said why....
jorge perez evelyn, female impersonator, famous drag queen, argentine vedette,

Saturday, September 14, 2019


With love from Jorge Perez Evelyn Signature

Caracas Venezuela

Joaquin Riviera the famous producer and director of Venevision, exclusively traveled to Buenos Aires to convince Jorge Perez Evelyn of returning with him to Caracas to starring a show. With the dirty war governing his country Jorge did not doubt about it for a minute. Venezuela received Evelyn with open arms, a country that Jorge Perez loves as his own. continue reading>

Brazil Marzo 24 de 1976

The producer asked Jorge Perez to arrive to the airport as Evelyn. During the fly, 45 minutes before landing Jorge Perez opened his makeup case and got ready to the arrival as Evelyn. The flight attendants noticed the change from Jorge Perez to Evelyn and they commented between them “We have a transvestite aboard" and the other attendant graciously answered: "Great, happiness for the passengers"... (in Portuguese language it sounds much more funny)...continue reading>

Friday, September 13, 2019

Argentina as Paris and Vegas

As in Paris, France, the musical revues as seen in “Las Vegas”, were also in Buenos Aires (until a few years ago), the favorite show for Argentine's who enjoyed the “vedettes”, the musical productions, and the comedians who made the public laughed out loud in addition to the luxury of the costumes and the fabulous dancers. continue reading>

My Girlfriend him

Mi novia el... ( My girlfriend him...) Is an uncompleted movie title that was supposed to be named “My girlfriend the travesty”… Because it was made during the military “dirty war” times, it was strictly edited as an imposition of the military censor. The producers did not have any other choice than to follow the rules enforced by the inflexible military government and the strong influencing cleric that did not accepted anything different from what they considered to be outside society standards.
continue reading>

Jorge Perez Evelyn Political Times

Biography of Jorge Perez Evelyn 

Jorge Perez Evelyn was the first female impersonator in Argentina to achieve public fame in the most difficult political situation of that country, when the rude military government was in power. Continue reading>