
Jorge Perez Evelyn in Argentina

As in Paris, France, the musical revues as seen in “Las Vegas”, were also in Buenos Aires the favorite show for Argentines who enjoyed the “vedettes”, the musical productions, and the comedians who made the public laughed out loud in addition to the luxury of the costumes and the fabulous dancers (usually imported from England or France), as were the famous Bluebell girls, a troupe of dancers founded by Margaret Leibovici, who was also known as Miss Bluebell, an Irish dancer that perfected the musicals all around the world only hiring perfect bodies and excellent dancing skills.

The historian Carlos Schwarzer is the author of «Teatro Maipo, 100 years of history behind the scenes», which through anecdotes and characters reveals unknown events and curiosities of the so-called «cathedral of the Buenos Aires musical revues». It was probably the only theatre located in a side street near Corrientes Avenue, which was the main entertainment scene similar to Broadway in New York.

Los Vecinos de Corrientes
“Teatro El Nacional” (National theatre) was also another big icon for the fantastic revues as it was “Teatro Astros”, Tabaris and “Sans Souci”.
Any performer having the possibility of showing his or her talents in one of these cathedrals of the spectacle was considered to be part of the Elite of entertainers.

Jorge Perez, born in a family of performers (mother, grandmother and sister). Since 

early age he had the innate ability of dancing, singing and acting. His mother (a former actress), didn’t doubt in to send Jorge to learn the basics of classic dancing to the school of Otto Weber, a very well-known German professor. Jorge with only 8 years of age, sweet attitude and special beauty, was the favorite of the professor who dedicated special attention to him to make sure Jorge’s goal of being something was achieved. His classes of dancing, singing and acting continued parallel to school.

He learned about “Coccinelle”, the first transsexual to be worldwide known. He wanted to see her in stage when she passed through Argentina, but he was a minor and minors were not allowed into the Revue Theatres. But still, he manages to see her coming out from the Theatre. Jorge was fascinated with her life, constantly searching through magazines and newspapers information about her. Jorge realized that HE WANTED TO BE HER!! (What he did not expect was to be her friend lately in life while working in Spain)…

As soon as he completed the High School, it was the times when for first time in Argentina a troupe coming from Brazil named “The Girls” did their presentation in Teatro El Nacional in Buenos Aires. It was then when Jorge realized that “he also can do it”!

While in Bahia Blanca, the city where Jorge was raised , he patiently wait for the few months to pass and reach 18 years of age to be free to do what he wants whatever he wanted, and he did!
He prepare with his savings his first set of costumes for the show, helped by Carlos Quiroz a former travesty ( probably the truly first one in Argentina) that was performing under the name of “Melisandra”.  Nobody ever knew that “Melisandra” the queen of the cabaret was a man…he could have face jail or even could have been killed.

There in Bahia Blanca was a celebrated cabaret called “La Luna”. Because the owner knew Jorge he gave him the opportunity to practice. Here born “Evelyn” singing “Quizas, Quizas, Quizas”…given his early age his image was a kind of little girl dressed as a vamp trying to be sensual.  Everybody loved that mix and an artist’s manager took him in a tour all over the country. It was Tucuman in a cabaret call “Baby Doll”, then in Cordoba City, Santa Fe, Rosario and finally Mar del Plata, the preferred summer city for most Argentinians.

In Mar del Plata, was a famous cabaret call “Maracaibo”. There was another Cabaret showing the Brazilian group. Jorge was extremely fascinated of finally meeting them! They were his inspiration next to Coccinelle!  Jorge became very close to them, Ira Velazquez, Teo Montenegro, Suzy Parker, Yeda Brown, Carla Bengeston, Claudia Pimienta and Akiko the Japanese which Jorge shared an apartment. “Les Girls”, touch Jorge a lot of secrets including long makeup lessons and more. Their friendship continues till the present time.

In Mar del Plata, Jorge was working in Maracaibo with “Vanessa Show” who actively continues to be the preferred by the press of Argentina. In that city he meets his partner in life, “Rodolfo Valentin”, a hairstylist of the famous.
After the season was finished in Mar del Plata, Jorge Perez moved to Buenos Aires and began working in “Can-Can”, a classy nightclub that suddenly became the main venue and the place for new travesties to show up their talents. Here is where Jorge meets “Graciela Scott”, a transsexual that also was having the illusion of being in the stage. Jorge pushed her to the maximum and Graciela ended up being one of the best strippers ever seen and later the star of the porn shows in Barcelona Spain!

After Can-Can there was Teatron, a travesties revue in Santa Fe Avenue. It was when Jorge was called for the physical examination for the mandatory military service. Jorge had no choice but to make a fast trip to Bahia Blanca where he was enrolled. Evelyn took the opportunity to make some presentations in a famous Night Club of that city call Diavolo as a result of the constant insistence of the producer of that place.
When Jorge showed up in the military camp for the exam he was asked to undress, just like everybody cause such a commotion having Evelyn right there with his long blonde hair and contoured body that the lieutenant himself threw a towel and asked him to cover. Of course he was immediately excused from having to accomplish with the military service. That evening while performing in Diavolo, Evelyn noticed that the entire front row was occupied by the militaries applauding.

In 1974 there was Leo Vanes, a journalist holding a high reputation in the industry. Leo was frequently visiting Can-Can, fascinated by Jorge Perez Evelyn. He proposed him to produce a show. It was named “Verdisimo” in Corrientes Avenue! Jorge couldn’t believe that he was going so fast to be acting in the main entertainment venue in Buenos Aires where only the successful performers can be shown!

Mendoza, a touristic city in Argentina is home for the "Bodega del 900" that holds 800 people. Evelyn was asked to make several presentations and he was truly impressed when the 800 people stopped any noise at the same time when Evelyn began to perform.

At his return to Buenos Aires another big musical followed. It was a production called “The neighbors of Corrientes Avenue”, also starring the show next to other traditional and famous Argentinian performers.

Near the end of 1974 that musical Jorge did a revue named “A crazy
evening” with a famous Argentinian comedian call “Alberto Locatti” in The Peatonal Theatre in Rosario City.
 Jorge was called by famous producer “Gerardo Sofovich” to do a movie with famous Alberto Olmedo called " My Girlfriend the Travesty" with the perspective of having the movie shown in theatres around March of 1975 just soon before presenting Jorge Perez Evelyn as the first men-vedette in the musical CORRIENTES DE LUJO ( Luxurious Corrientes), ensuring that by Evelyn being in the movie and in the revue will bring a huge amount of people. Jorge Perez Evelyn was  AGAIN IN CORRIENTES AVENUE! And in “Sans Souci”, a stage where only the most famous have step in that stage!


* "Verdisimo" January 1974: Jovita Luna, Pablo Palitos, Estrella Riviera

*"Los Vecinos de Corrientes" May 1974: Dolores de Cicco, Gladys Mancini, Jovita Luna

*"Una Noche de Locura" October 1974: Alberto Locati and Arentina Trio

*"Corrientes de Lujo" March 1975- Estela Raval, Chico Novarro, Marty Cosens, Betty Lascaris

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